The New York Arts Practicum is coming to the end of week 2. Everyone has been working in their apprenticeships with their mentor artists. The participants are currently working on their first pieces for critique next week with Jen Liu.
Last week as part of our orientation, we visited MoMA, shared a meal, shared work in a Pecha Kucha, went to openings in Chelsea, took a street art walk through Chelsea, Soho, LES, and Bushwick led by Matt Levy, visited Open Studios at Eyebeam, and had a curators talk from Amanda McDonald Crowley at her show Our Haus at the Austrian Cultural Forum.
This week we had seminar with Trevor Paglen, who showed us work, and lead us in a conversation, we had a seminar with Penelope Umbrico, who showed us new work, and talked about appropriation. Tomorrow we will have a studio visit with Lize Mogel, head to Chelsea for galleries, and end the day with a curators talk from Artie Vierkant at Stadium, NY.
Some documentation is below:

Matt Levy points out the hand painting on this Clownsoldier wheatpaste

Participants explore this narrative object by Time’s Up in the Our Haus exhibition

Penelope Umbrico shows participants mockups for planned work on her computer